Employee Testimonials

Stories from d.lighters

We are far more diverse, dispersed, digital, and dynamic. But while as a team we face new hurdles, our success still hinges on a core set of fundamentals for group collaboration.
I was initially drawn to d.light because of its strong commitment to its customers and its mission to create products that genuinely benefit the poor, striving to improve lives rather than just focusing on profit. d.light has an inclusive and supportive work culture, where everyone is treated equally, regardless of position. There is a strong sense of camaraderie which truly makes d.light feel like a family.
I joined dlight as a Territory Sales Executive for Kerala, and was given the opportunity to take on more responsibilities, expanding my role to cover multiple states. The timely promotions and trust placed in me by the company have been pivotal for my professional growth. Now, as a Key Account Manager, I am confident in my ability to manage my duties effectively, knowing that d.light believes in my capabilities.
To anyone considering a career at d.light, I can confidently say that you will find a supportive and family-like atmosphere here. The management is committed to helping you grow and succeed.
I am proud to be a part of d.light, and look forward to continue my journey with this incredible organization.
Key Account Manager - South India, India 2014
d.light's mission is inspiring for those passionate about making a tangible difference in the world like myself. One of my most rewarding aspects is seeing the direct impact of my work on employees' growth on learning and development.
d.light provided me the opportunity to work closely with diverse communities, and being part of such transformative initiatives for the communities we serve is a key reason why I enjoy working at d. light. At the heart of d. light’s culture, there is a strong commitment to its mission of transforming lives with affordable and reliable solutions to our communities. This shared sense of purpose drives me and fosters a collective dedication to making a positive social and environmental impact.
When I lost my dear beloved mum on 13th September 2022, it felt like the world was crushing and didn't know what to do. I experienced overwhelming sympathy and understanding from my colleagues. The act of kindness and this caring culture, ensured my healing was faster to enabled me to return to my routine.
d.light promotes collaboration, and this has broadened my skill set and understanding of how the business interconnects.
I joined d. light as Regional Trainer and was given an opportunity to take on a new challenge, which not only supported my professional growth but also contributed to my personal fulfillment and career advancement. I have also found it easy to maintain a healthy balance between my personal and professional life while working at d.light. Working at d. light is dynamic and fast-paced, offering a stimulating environment where employees are constantly learning and adapting to new opportunities and challenges. d.light values the growth and development of its employees, who have access to training programs that enhance their skills and advance their careers within the organization.
I have a high level of job satisfaction since I joined d.light.
National Training Manager - Kenya, 2020
Innovation and passion are an important part of success, and I'm happy to be a part of it. d.light promotes innovation and also treat their employees well
One of my most rewarding parts of the job here is to see the changes I suggest being implemented and then see them work.
Corporate culture is the soul of the enterprise, and is the inexhaustible driving force that promotes the development of the enterprise. The company's culture is positive and from such a culture, employees continue to thrive.
My role entails communication and collaboration with colleagues to ensure that tasks are completed smoothly and contribute to the success of the team.
As a sourcing engineer, d.light has provided numerous opportunities that foster my professional growth and development. through regular training programs, workshops on sourcing best practices & industry trends, and new technologies to keep me updated with the latest developments. d.light has a Mentorship Program where managers provide guidance and support to junior employees, and encourages cross-functional teams to work together. A welcome opportunity to collaborate with other departments like marketing, and product development.
The company provides access to online resources, industry publications, and databases to support my continuous learning and professional growth.
d.light recognizes and rewards my efforts and achievements through performance-based incentives, bonuses, and promotions. This motivates me to continue growing and developing as a sourcing engineer.
The company understands the importance of work-life balance and provide flexible work arrangements or other supports to help me manage your workload and personal commitments effectively.
As I gained experience and demonstrated my capabilities, I have been assigned more complex sourcing projects or tasks that required managing larger budgets, negotiating with key suppliers, or overseeing multiple projects simultaneously.
While maintaining a healthy balance between personal and professional life can be challenging as a sourcing engineer at d.light, it's important to prioritize, plan, communicate effectively, manage stress, set boundaries, and seek support when needed. By doing so, I ensure that I'm able to perform well at work while also taking care of my personal well-being.
d.light is a good place to work. Its mission attracts me a lot.
Sourcing Engineer - China, 2014
Working in the renewable Energy sector had always been my passion and the d.light values of innovation, honesty, being optimist, passionate and empathetic resonated perfectly with my personal values and drive. When the opportunity to join the team came my way, I was ecstatic to join the “brilliance”.
It’s such a rewarding experience having to work in a multi culture global company, and the continuous innovation.
Notably, one of my most memorable experiences working with d.light was the first time we launched Mobile clinics in Uganda. I was still serving as both Aftersales lead and Quality lead at the time (October 2018). It required a lot of preparation since d.light Foot print was still growing at the time and also the structure was still lean, this meant getting a team together in the shortest time, training them, getting the logistical needs involved and sending them to all regions of the country. This was a success and was benchmarked for other regions too.
d.light is a great place to work, its fast paced but a really calm environment that requires resilience, flexibility coupled with the right attitude. It really fosters growth, both professionally and at individual level. d.light has greatly empowered me to work with our vast quality team in Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria and China which has allowed me to gain more experience in Quality Assurance. Personally this has resonated in my daily life by way of continuous improvement.
Everyone here is eager to work as part of the team, and to get work moving. I have had moments where this support and team work has been the wings on which I have flown. Notably, during the early days of VA on phones the aftersales team, stock control & warehouse team would come in to support the quality assurance team so we could have them released on time for the launch day.
The sky is the limit when you work with d.light. I have seen the iHOPE values manifest in my daily work, and life outside work. It also enhances your career growth as you are empowered to tackle many challenges you would have never had the opportunity in any other place.
I'm forever grateful to management for being there for the employees in the hardest of times. d.light stood firm during the pandemic and the recurring hard times post the epidemic.. Thank you d.light.
Quality Assurance Manager - Uganda, 2017
My greatest attraction to d.light is the impact it has of transforming lives through sustainable products through PayGo. I am overjoyed when I see lives transformed through my efforts at d.light
I joined d.light as a customer care executive, back in 2016, and have witnessed the growth of the business from 3 customers registered in one day to now over 1000 customers every day.
One of my most memorable moments is when I was called upon to support the set-up and training the call center team in our new market then, Uganda. I had great learnings that enhanced my skills and always uplifted when I reflect on the contributions I made. d.light also offered me a chance to pilot and roll-out the d.light - Safaricom partnership POS (Point Of Sale) project across the country.
The culture at d.light is based on “everybody is somebody’’ and there is no segmentation. Resources are distributed equally as per the one’s role. I'm empowered to take ownership in every activity and though the nature of my role requires full time support with the commercial teams, I have greatly grown in planning my time.
d.light is a results-driven organization and is always in need of self-driven and passionate people.
Regional Trainer - Nairobi, Kenya 2016
I began my career at d.light at entry level as a Solar Energy Promoter (SEP) in July 2019, during d.light's early days in Tanzania.
I was attracted to the d.light mission of transforming lives through sustainable solar energy solutions. My community in Ndachi – Dodoma, had no reliable access to electricity.
I have been able to work in different capacities ranging from a SEP (Solar Energy Promoter) to a Team Leader to a Regional Trainer to a Regional Sales Executive to a Stock Controller and to now a Regional Sales Manager
It is still rewarding to play a part in reducing carbon footprints and promoting a brighter future for my community, and also mentor teams. It is gratifying to know that my guidance is helping to shape successful sales agents who are still working for d.light today.
I have always been optimistic, passionate and driven to achieve my sales targets.
d.light has an empowering, innovative, splendid organizational mindset.
I have received sales commission payouts and a growing salary that enables me to meet my family’s financial needs. I have also developed various skills and capabilities through notable resources, tools and internal career opportunities availed to me.
d.light is as an employer of choice to anyone with the ambition to employ their full potential and positively impact their society through sustainable solar energy solutions.
Regional Sales Manager - Coast, Tanzania, 2019
I serve as the Head of Product Marketing for the Group, based in India, supporting both regional and global teams remotely. Over the past eight years, I've had the privilege of working across d.light offices in Africa, China, and India.
I was initially drawn to d.light by its mission to transform lives through affordable solutions. The company's dedication to positively impacting financially constrained communities resonated deeply with me. Being part of a cause that brings tangible change and uplifts people’s lives is incredibly rewarding. The most fulfilling aspect of my work is witnessing how our products significantly improve our customers' lives. It’s gratifying to know that our efforts enable children to study comfortably at night and families to save money on energy costs, enhancing their health and overall quality of life.
One of my most memorable projects took place in Kenya, where we provided solar systems and TVs to consumers. A consumer shared how our products brought joy and equality, allowing both wealthy and financially constrained families to enjoy the same entertainment content. This emotional feedback was incredibly motivating and reinforced my dedication to creating innovative and affordable solutions for our customers.
The culture at d.light is supportive, collaborative, and mission-driven. We value each other’s contributions and work together to overcome challenges. During a challenging project in Kenya, where we aimed to achieve a daily run rate of 1,000 cookstoves, management’s support and encouragement to experiment and learn were crucial. The collaboration across all departments helped us exceed our target. Additionally, during the pandemic, our team overcame supply chain restrictions and established a network of local suppliers in India, saving significant costs and launching new product categories enthusiastically accepted by our customers.
d.light has provided numerous opportunities for professional growth. I've taken on multiple roles across different regions, each presenting unique challenges that helped me develop new skills in areas like digital marketing, leadership, and AI. Management’s belief in us and their encouragement to present and develop our ideas without fear of failure have been significant motivators.
I highly recommend a career at d.light to anyone passionate about making a difference. It’s a place where you can freely share your ideas and grow professionally while contributing to a meaningful cause. The unwavering support from management and colleagues makes it an inspiring and fulfilling place to work. Working at d.light has been a transformative journey, and I am proud to be part of an organization that brings equality and positive change to society.
Head of Product Marketing, Gurgaon, India, 2016